Personal Painters Services
Our professional painting contractor services for the interior and/or exterior of your home or business includes the following:
Pressure Washing
Our Pressure Power Wash service includes but is not limited to: houses, decks and fences.
Gutter Cleaning
Gas blow gutters to remove derbis.
Blue Board
We will hang any type of blue board on walls and ceilings.
All of our professional paint service begin with total surface preparation. Our exterior paint projects are either brushed or sprayed. Inside paint is rolled and/or brushed. We only use Benjamin Moore and Sherwin-Williams paint and stain, unless otherwise requested.
Exterior Paint
On our exterior paint work, we don't scrape houses. If a house is peeling badly, there is no point in scraping. We use a system called stripping. What that means is that we shave all the paint of your house with a paint shaver. Attached to the shaving machine is a vacuum, which collects all the shaved paint – minimizing mess and inconvenience. We then sand for a smooth surface. But, first we seal all windows to eliminate dust getting into your house. We also place plastic sheeting and drop cloths on the ground so that no dust gets into the soil. We recommend at this stage that an oil primer and a latex solid stain be applied instead of paint.
Interior Paint & Repairs
We may notice an inside wall that is breaking and cracking due to old plaster and suggest the wall may not be worth repairing. Personal Painters will first remove the old plaster and resheet the wall. We will then tape and plaster the joints. Now you have a new wall with no more problems. The same can be done with ceilings.